What have you always wished you could do?
Hello, I’m Amy. I’m really good at three things – writing, planning and understanding people. That’s why communications and branding is a great fit for me. Before I started Wordsby I built up my experience and had a lot of fun working at O2, The Labour Party and the UK Government. I got to do some really cool stuff like refreshing The Royal Navy brand, creating NHS campaigns and writing for the Prime Minister.
But, do you know that feeling when there’s something you really have to do? It’s not always the most sensible thing but it’s that one thing you’d look back on your life and say ‘I wish I’d done that.’ Writing a book was my biggest ambition. During my maternity leave I co-wrote a book with Sarah Beeson MBE who is a health visitor (and my mum) called Happy Baby, Happy Family. I emailed it off and waited for all those rejections to come flooding in but to our surprise we got offers instead. We ended up accepting a three book deal with HarperCollins to write two memoirs as well The New Arrival and Our Country Nurse.
When I’m not writing books I’m making new friends and creating brands that are close to my heart with my Brand Creative Divya Venkatesh here at Wordsby. Some clients come to us with a dream they want to turn into reality, some are already a business or running a non-profit and know they need support and advice to go further and do better. Whether they’re looking for branding, marketing, comms coaching or to come to one of our workshops each client is unique. Have a nosey through our offers and portfolio and see what takes your fancy.
For someone who loves words, stories and figuring out how to make things happen – Wordsby has grown into something that really is the perfect fit for Divya, me and our clients.
So, what dream is it you want to make happen? Tell me all about it.
What’s it like to be a Wordsby client?
We click with the clients we work with which means we don’t work with everyone. We go for coffee, we listen, we skype, text and email and tease out ideas. Then we spend time getting to know who their ideal customer is and how to put the two together. That is what is at the heart of Wordsby’s style of branding creative and communications strategy.
In their own words
The best people to tell you what it’s like to be a Wordsby client are the clients themselves. I text a few of our clients to ask about experience with us and got these replies…